Your Climapulse Service account must have API access and it must then be enabled through your account. Please contact to obtain API access.

The Teamleader extension provides automatic synchronization of companies, contacts and products to your Climapulse Service account. So you can easily manage your customers and products in Teamleader, but get them available almost immediately in Climapulse Service. Without double entry!

How it works

When you add or change a company or contact in Teamleader, the corresponding customer is created or updated in Climapulse Service. New products are also added to Climapulse Service so you can register them immediately in your orders.


You can optionally limit the companies and contacts for which this happens to those with, or just without, a specific tag. For example, you can use a tag “prospect” in Teamleader, preventing it from being added already in Climapulse Service.

So you can also achieve the reverse by adding only those companies and contacts to Climapulse Service that have at least 1 of the configured tags.

New products in Teamleader, as cited, can be added to Climapulse Service as items in inventory. You can also disable this in your preferences.


Before you get started with the installation, it’s best to consider whether you really want to have all customers in Teamleader available in Climapulse Service. For example, if you have a lot of prospects registered in Teamleader, it is recommended to first distinguish between customers and non-customers in Teamleader via tags.

This not only avoids unnecessary data in Service, the installation process itself will be much smoother. Once the installation process has started, it cannot be stopped.


During installation, you will be faced with a choice:

  1. Adding data from Teamleader to Climapulse Service
  2. Add data from Climapulse Service to Teamleader
  3. Link/correlate data from both systems

If you are just getting started with Climapulse Service, choose option 1.

If you have been using Climapulse Service for a while and want to start using Teamleader, choose option 2. This will automatically tag new companies and contacts with “climapulse” in Teamleader.

If you have been using both systems side by side for a while, choose the third option. Our extension will collect the necessary records from both systems and ask you what to do with each record. Don’t worry, the system will identify the best possible match. You just need to briefly check that they are indeed the same customers and products.

Thanks to this step, you avoid adding customers and products again in Climapulse Service. So be sure to take your time with it.


  • Your Climapulse Service account must have access to the API. You can request access from us at
  • Next, API access must be enabled. You can do this via Profile > Login information > Edit > API access: Yes.
  • The user installing this extension must be at least a manager in Climapulse Service and an administrator in Teamleader. Other users cannot access the extension.
  • You can find the Teamleader extension through your Teamleader account > Settings > Integrations > Link your favorite tools [Discover]. You will then be taken to the Teamleader marketplace. You can find the Climapulse Service extension there, or via here.

Please contact with any questions regarding this.


Won’t that lead to duplicate data?

We have taken great care to avoid duplicates. The installation process will briefly examine the data in both systems. Then it performs an initial synchronization of the data, either adding data from Climapulse Service to Teamleader, adding data from Teamleader to Climapulse Service, or giving you the ability to explicitly say which data from both systems match.

Are changes to products synchronized?

Yes, typically every few hours. Unlike the other elements, Teamleader does not provide notification when a product changes.

Can data be synchronized from Climapulse Service to Teamleader?

The initial synchronization allows you to add your existing Climapulse Service customers and items to Teamleader. After that, it’s best to manage all customer and product data in Teamleader. Exceptions are features specific to Climapulse Service, such as customer portal access.

Kan ik een Teamleader factuur maken van een Climapulse Service opdracht?

Yes. Once the installation is complete the necessary data is still being collected to create an invoice in Teamleader. Once that is done you will be able to set your billing preferences under Preferences, including:

  • The standard tax rate to be applied for line items.
  • The product/rate for work hours so that work hours will appear immediately on the invoice when the order is placed.
  • What names should be used for the sections for materials and work hours on the invoice.

Once you have set your preferences you will have a “Draft Invoice” option available to you in Climapulse Service under orders.

Note: If materials are not entered correctly in the job in Climapulse, no invoice lines will be recorded by Teamleader. This means no invoice will be generated.

It is therefore critical to ensure that all relevant data is entered correctly in Climapulse before marking the job as complete and starting the billing process.

What happens if I delete a record in Teamleader?


What do the options mean when correlating data?

When correlating the data, you determine what to do with records or elements from Teamleader (A) versus their possible equivalent in Climapulse Service (B).

The short version:

  • Confirm match: you want to link A to B so that later changes in Teamleader to A are applied in B.
  • Process later: you’re not quite sure what you want to do with this yet. Postpone your decision for a while.
  • Ignore: A really shouldn’t have been in there. Just ignore A.
  • Push to Service: B is not in it. Use A’s data to create B in Service and link A to B.

Select “Confirm match” if the records from Teamleader and Climapulse represent the same thing. The records from both systems will be linked together. No changes are made to the data in Teamleader nor Climapulse Service at that time. Only if, after installation, changes are made to the element in Teamleader are they applied to the corresponding element in Climapulse.

Choose “Process later” if you are not yet sure what to do with the selected records. See also the next question.

Choose “Ignore” to do nothing with the record. This is especially useful if you selected certain additional elements during installation, for example because a tag was missing. If a change is later made to the element in Teamleader, a new corresponding element will be added in Climapulse Service, provided the element meets your conditions.

Finally, select “Push to Service” if you find that the element from Teamleader does not yet exist at all in Climapulse Service. A corresponding element will then be created in Climapulse Service in the background. Any subsequent changes in Teamleader will then also be picked up.

When correlating the data, no (correct) match is identified for certain records. What should I do?

It may well happen that no match is found at first. To ensure that you can process the records as quickly as possible, the more records there are from both systems, the smaller the difference allowed between them. As fewer records remain of a particular type (typically less than 200), the system will become more flexible and allow larger differences, allowing more candidate matches.

Therefore, select those records and choose “Process Later.” By doing so, you place them at the back of the list. Then focus on processing the records you are 100% sure about.

Can I change the preferences after installation?

You can! After installation, you have the option to adjust preferences.

Can I remove the extension?

You can remove an installed extension through the Preferences. At the very bottom you will find this option. After your confirmation the links between both datasets will be removed. The data in Climapulse Service and Teamleader will not be removed.

Can I correct a mistake?

If during installation you linked several records together incorrectly, or set your preferences so that certain records from Teamleader were not covered (e.g. forgot to specify a tag), you can proceed to uninstall the extension. Later, the extension can be reinstalled.

Keep in mind that you’ve already gone through the installation: customers and items already added to Climapulse Service or Teamleader will remain there. So you will more than likely have to choose to correlate data from both systems.