Managing suppliers
A refrigerant is delivered by a supplier. These cilinders can be bought or rented. It’s important to mark them the correct way for your refrigerant book keeping to check what happened to each and every cilinder.
Adding a new supplier
- Click Supplier in the menu
- Click on the button New to add a new supplier
- Fill in the company- and address information and press Save to complete the registration.
You’ll end up in the detailview of the supplier. Press the ‘list-button’ or click Suppliers in the menu, to access the following possibilities:
Filtering and exporting
On this page an overview is shown of all supplier. You can search by name and address. If you want to order of the list, you click ‘Sort’ and choose an option. All of this information can be exported to an Excel-file.
Managing an existing supplier
When clicking on the ‘eye-symbol’ next to each supplier, you’ll end up in the detailview.
You can modify the information by clicking the ‘pencil-icon’.
By clicking the Trashcan-icon, you can remove a supplier. Only use this when a supplier was added by mistake. If there are cilinders registered to the supplier, Climapulse won’t let you remove the supplier. If we allow this, the logs don’t add up anymore. If you still want to remove a supplier, all linked cilinders should be moved to another supplier. Afterwards you will be able to remove the supplier.